the global room
facilitated dialogic explorations for youth
on our environmental and climate crisis
mainstream climate activism
has been co-opted by colonial hegemony.
built upon decades of strategy, intelligence and propaganda,
the colonisers take the form of political, corporate and NGO presence.
their objective is to dilute, misdirect and divide the decolonial self-determination movement by bartering imaginary climate deals.
white feminism leads the effort.
as power-pleasing dominant narratives converge,
we yearn for critical thought and dialogue authentic to
decolonial pluriversality.
the global room
interrogates coloniality within processes leading to
the UNSDGs & the Paris Agreement.
we follow the stories of white supremacy and colonial privilege that put folk in big, loud rooms that award them power.
we follow the stories of performative diversity and colonial gaslighting that put folk on sidelines that silence them.